Only installing the module's setup and trying to run won't work
If you still don't have the IMEI menu then navigate to C:\InfinityBox\TheModuleFolder (e.g CM2SPD) and delete a text file named 'UK' or 'UK.ON' if it exists.Relaunch your CM2 Module once this is done.In the dropdown, select Set 'UK Edition' Option Off then click Process.Extract the contents of the zip, open the Dongle Manager folder and run DongleManager.exe.Download and install Infinity Dongle Manager (Smart-card Manager) at.Connect the dongle to your PC via the USB port.
Steps to show hidden IMEI write option in Infiity CM2įollow the steps below to enable IMEI write option in Infinity CM2 This is because they're set to UK edition. By default, the IMEI write option is disabled in Infinity Chinese Miracle II (CM2) modules like CM2MTK, CM2SPD, CM2QLM etc.